
Showing posts from November, 2019

Cooking at home without electricity

But what could happen if the power supply was out for longer? Then you may want to attempt some real alternative cooking techniques. You can cook things over a gas stove or charcoal for a while - plan to use both . There are many kinds of solar ovens. At one count, there are over 65 big drafts and hundreds of variations of these basic ones Drafts. All solar cookers share some basic principles: concentrate sunlight. A mirror or kind of reflective metal can be used to concentrate light and heat from the sun into a small cooking area, which makes the energy more concentrated so more potent. But if an emergency lasts for weeks, then this one Fuels may be scarce. now you may want to go solar. Conversion of light into heat. Any black on the inside of a solar cooker also as certain materials for pots will improve the usefulness of converting light into heat. A black pan absorbs nearly all sunlight and generally changes it to heat Improve the usefulness of the cooker. catching heat. Isol...

What multi tools to get

We've filled a hard multi tool firestar and flashlight in a compact sheath to carry everything. So we just looked at the Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Tool Pack that you may watch on YouTube, links to everything weve mentioned in this review, and all the new Gerber Bear Grylls gear in the video description below, If you want to support our efforts to bring high quality survival equipment exams in your way, you may be able to do one in two on Youtube. Watch our sponsors below or right in this video, or find all the equipment you need on Amazon need through one of the links in the video description. Of course you'll also find all our equipment reviews and survival info so don't forget to subscribe to this channel on YouTube and follow us on Twitter at. Its plastic, its not paper, it'll survive when it gets wet. Its pretty cool, because it covers some good basics for defending shooters, how to make a fire, without a fire. Steel covers Navigation, how to find water, how to...

Gardening and Survival

The other kind of critters who may steal some of your gardens food are deer of the two legged species. This doesn't seem to be a problem and it's most likely now. But if the SHTF and some people are desperately looking for food, a big survival garden will be an nice destination. Harvesters don't just eat a simple amount of food to survive. They can destroy a crop before it ripens, looking for edible food that doesn't exist. You could rip plants and look for root crops, Trample seedlings and destroy the harvest in its initial phases, or immature harvest merchandise. The result may be lots of damage that far exceeds the amount of food they end up taking. For more info on this subject, see my last post: Protect your garden from theft. From insects to rodents to birds, various animals could like to be pampered in their garden. some loss of crop by pests is inevitable. But to keep your total yields high in a survival garden, you have to keep an eye on pest control. The n...

What about a fire extinguisher?

How to use most fire extinguishers: 1. Pull the pen, 2. Direct the fire from a distance of about 2 meters to the base of the fire, 3. Spray it, 4. Sweep from side to side. If a fire extinguisher is Type A only, it most likely contains water. This type can by no means be used for flammable liquids such as kitchen grease. doing so would be dangerous. It also can not be used in electrical fires , eg. For example, when a device or computer equipment catches fire also dangerous. The type A fire extinguishers are hard to find and not the best choice anyway. common are fire extinguishers intended for A, B and C or only for B and C. The ABC fire extinguishers contain monoammonium phosphate, a yellow powder that leaves sticky residues that can damage electrical equipment like computers. This fire extinguisher is the best choice if you want a fire extinguisher for all three types. The BC fire extinguisher isn't suited for paper or wood fires. it's only suited for electric or fat fires...

Water purification systems

What you need in Community device or LifeStraw Family device is a supply of water. The device can't remove salt from salt water or chemicals from pool water or another contaminated resources. It removes particles muddy water, cloudy water and harmful pathogens, but no heavy metals, petroleum merchandise or another chemicals. So you need a reasonable starting point for the water treatment. Pond water, rainwater and unsafe tap water should work. Now theres a new variant of LifeStraw personal called Community. They say its great for schools, health buildings, workplaces, and community environments.I say its perfect for the preparation. Can purify between 70,000 and 100,000 liters of water 25 L waste water tank and 25 L vault tank: total capacity of 50 liters Filtration rate: twelve liters / hour Purified water may be taken from any of the four faucets. The blue tap is turned to release purified water. Red backwash handle lets semi automatic backwash. As it's pulled down a...