Cooking at home without electricity
But what could happen if the power supply was out for longer? Then you may want to attempt some real alternative cooking techniques. You can cook things over a gas stove or charcoal for a while - plan to use both . There are many kinds of solar ovens. At one count, there are over 65 big drafts and hundreds of variations of these basic ones Drafts. All solar cookers share some basic principles: concentrate sunlight. A mirror or kind of reflective metal can be used to concentrate light and heat from the sun into a small cooking area, which makes the energy more concentrated so more potent. But if an emergency lasts for weeks, then this one Fuels may be scarce. now you may want to go solar. Conversion of light into heat. Any black on the inside of a solar cooker also as certain materials for pots will improve the usefulness of converting light into heat. A black pan absorbs nearly all sunlight and generally changes it to heat Improve the usefulness of the cooker. catching heat. Isol...