What multi tools to get

We've filled a hard multi tool firestar and flashlight in a compact sheath to carry everything. So we just looked at the Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Tool Pack that you may watch on YouTube, links to everything weve mentioned in this review, and all the new Gerber Bear Grylls gear in the video description below, If you want to support our efforts to bring high quality survival equipment exams in your way, you may be able to do one in two on Youtube. Watch our sponsors below or right in this video, or find all the equipment you need on Amazon need through one of the links in the video description. Of course you'll also find all our equipment reviews and survival info so don't forget to subscribe to this channel on YouTube and follow us on Twitter at. Its plastic, its not paper, it'll survive when it gets wet. Its pretty cool, because it covers some good basics for defending shooters, how to make a fire, without a fire. Steel covers Navigation, how to find water, how to find food It fits everywhere in this scabbard I tried to put it behind the multitool. It just wasn't for that, but I found a solution. Its kind of tacky, but it works, but what we can do, we can use as a survival guide Back here and I just got a bigger rubber band there, weve attached it as a paperback, but seriously, you just have to put it in your pocket or put your wallet or someplace in your backpack to keep it close. Okay, lets talk about this now. When I looked inward, I saw the two construction methods of the Baldy tool, with the outer shell made of plastic. You may be able to simply pull it off and put it directly on your belt while youre carrying your ship, so you don't have to take off your belt to put it on, and really take it off, the only blur on that case and wrapper. Annoying that there really isn't one place where you may be able to set the priorities of the Survival Pocket Guide. Thats a really cool and useful guide you want, so lets talk. About the Flashlight Gerber calls it a rate Flashlight. It's made of anodized aluminum. It has a single LED lamp, but only six lumens. it's best if you look at them up close. So don't expect to see another 20 feet with this flashlight. I can expect that this flashlight will be used continuously for two or three hours when the battery is full. It turns on and off when you turn the bottom of the flashlight, and not when you press the button at the bottom of the flashlight feel hard and it has this kind of rubberized grip II material that bear on many others Grylls tools can be used, so the fire steel. In the side pocket here and there it fits very nicely and tight. It will not come out and do this often. But let’s talk briefly about the bear girl’s priorities in the Survival Pocket Guide.


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